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Sophia Huitema is an emerging artist based in New York City. With a deep-rooted passion for the human form and an unwavering appreciation for art, Sophia's creative journey merges her profound understanding of psychology with her unique artistic expression. Her body of work is centered on painting women through the lens of the female gaze, employing a visual and emotional vocabulary of vulnerability and intimacy.


With a background in Psychology, Sophia's paintings aim to bridge the gap between the inner workings of the human mind and the external world. Her paintings are particularly attentive to the murky space between sexual shame and empowerment. Drawing inspiration from Renaissance and Baroque palettes, she combines classical aesthetic with a modern portrayal of women that highlights their timeless and unfading challenges. 


The techniques of the Old Italian Masters used in centuries long past - the use of the rich and expressive medium of oil paint, finely layered brushstrokes cast across canvas depicting idyllic human forms - are resurrected in Sophia’s paintings as she explores themes including gendered violence and the juxtaposition of feminine strength with fragility. Her art invites people to explore the depths of their own emotions, fostering a deeper understanding of the human condition and the role it plays in shaping our collective consciousness. 


As Sophia’s artistic journey continues, she remains dedicated to honing her craft, exploring the intricate interplay of art, psychology, and the female experience. Her growing portfolio stands as a testament to her commitment to creating art that celebrates the beauty, resilience, and complexity of women.

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